Project Data Visualization with Chart.js

Developed a visually intuitive and interactive solution to display key project metrics, empowering stakeholders with actionable insights for informed decision-making.

Key Achievements:

  • Advanced Data Visualization: Implemented Chart.js to create a customizable scatter plot visualization, enabling users to easily grasp the distribution of project data and identify trends.

  • Efficient Data Aggregation: Leveraged backend technologies to query and aggregate project data, calculating relevant metrics such as total dollar amounts and square footage.

  • Dynamic Chart Scaling: Ensured optimal data presentation by automatically adjusting the X and Y axes of the scatter plot to accommodate varying data ranges.

  • Interactive Data Exploration: Enabled users to hover over data points to reveal detailed project information, facilitating a deeper understanding of individual projects.

  • Seamless Integration: Embedded the visualization within a user-friendly web component, making it easily accessible within the client's existing platform.


Data Visualization
Web Components
Backend Integration
Data Aggregation